Zoinks! Is that the sun?

I know that many of you must be wondering when the first CSA pick-up will be and some of you may be concerned about the effects this weather may be having on our work. So, I’m sending this email out in order to update you on how we are weathering the weather and to let you know when you might expect to get your first greens, radishes, scallions, spinach, etc…

The gardens and fields at Hope’s Edge farm are experiencing déja vu. Continue reading “Zoinks! Is that the sun?”

The end of the season is mirroring the beginning…

It appears as though the end of the season is mirroring the beginning, with regards to wetness. The intense rainfall over this last weekend (over 9 inches fell here last weekend and more this weekend) have left the fields sodden. This situation presents some problems for the close of the season. At this point we are unable to walk on the fields, let alone drive a tractor on them. This has many implications, but the most important one with regards to you and this season concerns the potatoes that are still in the ground. Continue reading “The end of the season is mirroring the beginning…”